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賀詞全文如下: 中國新年 值此慶祝中國新年之際,我代表加拿大政府給新唐人員工和中國社區帶來問侯和我衷心的祝願。 你們應該以此非凡的表達中國傳統文化的形式而非常的自豪,因爲這是全球華人最重要的節日之一。這種獨特的、享譽世界的慶祝是美麗和優雅的中國文化輝煌的典範。 我祝願你們度過一個愉快慶祝活動、並祝新年快樂。
Chinese New Year On behalf of the Government of Canada I would like to bring greetings and give my best wishes to the members of New Tang Dynasty Television and the Chinese community at this year's Chinese New Year Celebration. You should take great pride in this extraordinary expression of traditional Chinese culture, as it is one of the most important holidays for Chinese people around the world. This unique world-renowned celebration is a brilliant example of the beauty and elegance of Chinese culture. I wish you all an enjoyable celebration and a Happy New Year. Sincerely, John Baird, P.C., M.P. |
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