  歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-史考特 5月22日在中國長城。 |
【人民報消息】(大紀元記者魏德7月5日編譯報導) 歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-史考特先生於2006年5月21日在北京與兩位法輪功學員會面,親自調查中共對法輪功學員的迫害,尤其是活體摘取法輪功學員器官販賣牟利的指控。以下是調查報告全文。在中國的器官販賣牟利 2006年5月21日在北京與兩位法輪功學員牛進平先生和曹東先生的會面時得到的非直接證據。 歐洲議會副主席、歐盟新的民主和人權方案的特派專員愛德華.麥克米蘭-史考特(Edward McMillan-Scott)先生與其助手珍妮弗.佛瑞斯特(Jennifer Forrest)小姐一起主持了這次會面。在場的還有斯蒂夫.基格拉提(Steve Gigliotti)先生,曹東先生(36歲),牛進平先生(52歲)和他2歲半的女兒,以及一位翻譯。這次會面是在一家匿名的小酒店進行,旨在保護學員的安全。 麥克米蘭-史考特先生解釋說他來中國調查z中共對法輪功學員的迫害,尤其要發現更多針對(法輪功學員)器官販賣牟利的指控。會面過程由珍妮弗.佛瑞斯特錄像,這兩位法輪功學員的背影被錄下來。牛進平不擔心在錄像帶中被認出,所以他的面部也被錄下來了。翻譯始終沒有出現在鏡頭中(不過翻譯在會面結束後遭到逮捕和審問了7個小時。在逮捕後,警察勒令他不得和美國大使館和媒體聯繫)。 曹東告訴麥克米蘭-史考特,他是在迫害開始前的1995年開始煉法輪功的。他是因爲法輪功的平和的原理和帶來的祛病健身效果而走入法輪功的。他稱他久疾不醫的眼病在煉法輪功後被治癒。他說他已結婚4年。在他婚禮的9天后,他妻子(楊小晶)因修煉法輪功而被捕入獄兩年。在他妻子出獄一週後,他被捕了。一年以後他被釋放,但他妻子又被捕了。在他們結婚的4年中,他們總共只有3周時間呆在一起。在勞教所裏,曹東被強迫觀看詆譭法輪功的錄像片,每次很長時間。他還被警察剝奪睡眠和強制灌食。他的妻子也有類似經歷。 曹東目前沒有工作,因爲他修煉法輪功而無法找到一份工作。他先前是一名導遊。向遊人講述當局要求他告訴的謊言,如有關天安門廣場,等。 在勞教所裏,他被指令加工出口到歐洲的玉石珠寶,並強迫在惡劣的環境下長時間工作。他說那兒的2000多名囚犯中有100名是法輪功學員,被關押在那裏的小的監室裏,每個監室有30到40人。 他提供了在監獄中的詳情。他說他被關在監獄中一個針對法輪功學員和西藏佛教徒的專門區域裏。法輪功和西藏佛教徒的待遇遠比其他監犯更爲惡劣。獄警特別告知其他監犯來監視他們並剝奪他們的睡眠。警察不斷的試圖讓學員們簽署放棄法輪功信仰的悔過書。這個監獄中也關押着因89年6.4事件而被捕的異議人士。 愛德華.麥克米蘭-史考特詢問他是否知道在中國的任何進行器官販賣牟利的集中營。他說他肯定知道這樣的集中營,而且知道被送到那裏去的人。他曾看到他的一個煉法輪功的朋友的屍體,上面有窟窿,器官從那裏被摘取。 麥克米蘭-史考特問這兩個學員來見他是否有危險。兩位學員都說是的。麥克米蘭-史考特遞給這兩個學員每人一張他的名片,告訴他們如果在會面後出現任何問題,打電話給他,他可以提供一些幫助。 牛進平的妻子仍在監獄中。在她被抓捕時,她仍在母乳餵養(他們的嬰兒)。她被不斷的酷刑折磨,是殘忍的洗腦方法的受害者。爲了強迫她放棄法輪功,她常常被連續毒打超過20小時,結果導致她現在耳聾。牛進平給麥克米蘭-史考特展示了一張地圖,然後指示他妻子被監禁的地點。他還有一張10萬元人民幣的收據,是他爲他妻子從勞教所釋放而支付的。他也讓麥克米蘭-史考特看了一封他針對非法逮捕他妻子一事寫給警察的申述信。 他詳細描述了他妻子所遭受的酷刑方法:身體被扭曲地綁在一個木凳上數小時;被剝奪睡眠;脖子被繩子套着吊在天花板上很長時間,她的腳尖剛剛能接觸地面。 牛進平在4個月內只見到妻子10分鐘;有時會面日都過了才告訴他可以和他妻子見面。 他也展示給我們看他在監獄中被電棍電擊留下的燒傷疤痕。他也敘述了他被誣衊控告是精神病而投入一家精神病院的經過。他被強制服用一種高強度的調製的藥物。在一名相信他並沒有瘋的醫生的幫助下,他最終被釋放。 牛進平也沒有工作。在中國,警察必須在一份證明你適合工作的文件上簽字後,僱主才能僱傭你。修煉法輪功被當局認爲使得你不適合工作,所以拒絕給法輪功學員簽發這份文件。結果他不得不變賣他的房子,然後依靠售房所得的資金來維持生存。他說他比其他許多同修要更幸運,因爲他們沒有房子可賣,在許多情況下,他們的個人財產被警察拿走而變得一無所有,生活無依無靠。 談到天安門廣場和6.4週年紀念,牛和曹解釋說他們和其他法輪功學員在任何中國的節假日前都例行性地受到警察的抓捕並審訊。麥克米蘭-史考特問牛進平法輪功是否具有任何的煽動性。他回答沒有。 英文原文: ORGAN HARVESTING IN CHINA Hearsay evidence taken at a meeting with two Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Niu Jinping and Mr. Cao Dong, Beijing, China on 21 May 2006 Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament and designated rapporteur for the EU's new Democracy and Human Rights Instrument conducted the meeting with his assistant, Miss Jennifer Forrest. Also present were Mr. Steve Gigliotti, Mr. Cao Dong (aged 36), Mr. Niu Jinping (aged 52), his 2 and a half year old daughter and an interpreter. The meeting took place in a small anonymous hotel in an attempt to safeguard the welfare of the practitioners. Mr McMillan-Scott explained that he had come to China to investigate the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, in particular to find out more about allegations of organ harvesting. The meeting was filmed by Jennifer Forrest. The backs of the two practitioners were filmed and the face of Niu Jinping who had no concerns about being identified from the tape. The interpreter remained out of shot (he was arrested after the meeting and interrogated for 7 hours. Following his arrest he was ordered by the police not to contact the US embassy or the media). Cao Dong told McMillan-Scott that he began to practice Falun Gong in 1995, before the persecution started. He was attracted to Falun Gong because of its peaceful principles and the subsequent health benefits. He claims a recurrent eye problem was cured by the practice of Falun Gong. He explained that he had been married for 4 years. 9 days after his wedding, his wife (Ms. Yang Xiaojing) was arrested for practising Falun Gong. She was in jail for two years. 1 week after she was released, he was arrested. 1 year later he was released and she was again arrested. In four years of marriage they had only been together for three weeks. In the labour camp, Cao Dong was forced to watch video tapes slandering Falun Gong for hours at a time, suffered sleep deprivation and was force-fed by the police. His wife would tell a similar tale. Cao Dong is currently unemployed, unable to secure a job because he practices Falun Gong. He had previously been a tour guide and recounted the lies the regime had insisted he tell to tourists about Tiananmen Square etc. In the labour camp he was instructed to manufacture jade jewellery for export to Europe and was forced to work long hours in terrible conditions. He said that out of 2,000 prisoners, 100 were Falun Gong. They were held 30 to 40 prisoners to a small cell. He gave details of his arrest. He said he was put in a special section of the jail reserved for Falun Gong practitioners and Tibetan Buddhists. The treatment of Falun Gong and Tibetan Buddhist prisoners was far worse than that of other prisoners. The other inmates were specifically told by the police to monitor them and to deprive them of sleep. The police frequently tried to get practitioners to sign repentance statements renouncing their belief in Falun Gong. In this same jail, there were also dissidents which had been arrested during the student incident at Tiananmen Square in 1989. Edward McMillan-Scott enquired whether he was aware of any organ harvesting camps in China. He said he definitely knew of them and knew people who had been sent to them. He had seen the cadaver of one of his friends, a Falun Gong practitioner, with holes in his body where the organs had been removed. McMillan-Scott asked if the practitioners were in danger by meeting him. Both practitioners said yes. McMillan-Scott gave them each his business card and told them that if they ran into any problems after the meeting to call him so that he could offer some assistance. Niu Jinping's wife is in jail. She was still breastfeeding at the time of her arrest. She has been repeatedly tortured and is victim to relentless brainwashing techniques. She is often beaten for more than 20 hours at a time to force her to denounce Falun Gong. As a result she is now deaf. He showed McMillan-Scott a map pinpointing the location of the camp she is in. He also has a receipt for 100,000 RMB which he paid for his wife』s release from the labor camp. He also showed him an appeal letter he had written to the police for the unlawful arrest of his wife. He described in detail the torture methods his wife has had to endure - being tied to a wooden bench for hours in a contorted position, sleep deprivation, being suspended for many hours from the ceiling with a rope around her neck and her toes only just in contact with the ground. Niu Jinping had seen his wife for ten minutes in four months; sometimes he was told he could visit her after the visiting day. He also showed us burns he suffered from electric batons whilst in prison and recounted his time spent in a mental hospital following accusations that he was insane. He was forced to take a strong concoction of medication. With the help of one doctor who believed that he was not insane, he was finally released. Niu Jinping is also unemployed. In China the police must sign a document stating that you are fit for work for an employer to be able to take you on. Practising Falun Gong is considered by the regime to render you unfit for work and they therefore refuse to issue this document to practitioners. As a result he has been forced to sell his home and live off the money he received from the sale. He said he was luckier than many of his fellow practitioners who did not have a home to sell and were left with nothing to live on since in many cases their personal assets were taken by the police. Talking about Tiananmen Square and the anniversary on June 4, Niu and Cao explained that they and other Falun Gong practitioners are routinely rounded up before any national holidays in China and interrogated by the police. McMillan-Scott asked Niu Jinping whether there was anything seditious about Falun Gong. He replied no.