電子報 简体版



1. 顏色:底色選用藍色, 代表天空和大地,作爲對中共血腥紅旗的完全否定。

2. 圖形:三道閃電(能量)代表指天、地、人,代表「三退」,代表自由、民主、人權等;三道閃電(能量)構成「人字」形,寓意解體中共後以人爲中心,在解體中共過程也以救人爲本;中共組織標誌被擊碎,代表解體的是中共組織而非中共黨員個體。

3. 文字:穩重凝練的字體,代表解體中共,正義必勝之信心和氣勢;黃色代表順天意行事, 天滅中共, 解體中共是過渡政府順天意而擔負的尊貴和神聖的使命。


1. 提供給國內維權抗暴人士、軍隊等一切反共團體及個人使用。

2. 適用範圍:各類旗幟、印製傳單等

3. 使用階段:中共解體之前;中共解體之後將停止使用,臨時政府將彙集民意另行設計臨時國旗。

4. 爲適應特殊時期的情況,可靈活使用該旗幟,如:可製作標準旗幟,也可以在中共黨旗上直接寫上「解體中共 正義必勝」。

5. 實際操作的時候,字體使用正體、簡體均可。
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Announcement of the China Interim Government (CIG)
Regarding its Flag

In order to make it convenient for all the personnel in safeguarding rights and resisting tyranny to perform unifying action and creating an identification symbol of external communication, the China Interim Government, after adopting opinions from each aspect, hereby announces its flag with blue background and yellow characters, so as to conglomerate forces that annihilate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in a maximal scope.

一、The meaning of the flag label:

1. Color: the background selects blue for representing sky and earth, as a completely deny of bloody red flag of the CCP.

2. Picture: three flashings (energies) represent sky, earth, human, represent "quitting three organizations of the CCP", and also represent freedom, democracy, human right; three flashings (energies) structure like the shape of Character "human" in Chinese , indicating the human will be the center after annihilating the CCP, and saving lives will be the main purpose in the process of annihilating CCP; That the organization symbol of the CCP is smashed indicates the CCP organization is the target to be disintegrated instead of individual CCP members.

3. Characters: prudent and concise font represents annihilating the CCP, and confidence and momentum that justice is deemed to win; yellow represents performing actions in accordance with the God will. Annihilation and disintegration of the CCP by God is the honorable and sacred mission undertaken by the CIG in concert with the God will.

二、 The ways of usage:

1) For people in safeguarding rights and resisting tyranny, military forces, and all anti-CCP organizations and individuals.

2) Applied Scope: For all the flags, and leaflet prints.

3) Stages of use: Valid before the CCP is annihilated; usage of the flag is terminated after annihilating the CCP as the temporary government will collect people's ideas and opinions and design the interim national flag separately.

4) In order to adapt to the circumstances in special periods, the flag may be used flexibly, for examples, make it as a standard flag, or directly write on the CCP's party flag with "Annihilating the CCP, Justice is deemed to win".

5) The characters may be either standardized or simplified during actual operation.

China Interim Government
March 13, 2008

Mail: [email protected]






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