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比德.李程同时是一位伟大的作曲家与即兴演奏家。英俊的比德·李程看上去就象欧洲十八、十九世纪的贵族一样气质优雅,风度翩翩。在他雍容典雅的仪态之外,眼花缭乱的飞指之间,将钢琴演奏发挥得淋漓尽致,时而低吟回荡,时而热情奔放,无论是忧郁的曲调或壮丽的乐章,都能绽放出富丽堂皇的色彩。比德·李程的八度音群不仅以惊人的速度著称,还富有旋律性与戏剧性,令所有的钢琴演奏者望尘莫及。 比德.李程历时将近3年的时间创作了交响诗《天堂的和平》,主要是感于现今世界的纷乱,人类心灵空虚,正等待需要真理、爱与自由来充实心灵。为了让人类有更美好的未来,历经了千余昼夜不停的创作,才完成这部前所未有的音乐史诗。 下载欣赏《天堂大和平》第三章乐章 《天堂大和平》交响诗的第三章乐章“真理与智慧”、“慈悲”与“容忍”,颂赞神所讲述的话语在世俗流传,拭净人们灵魂的觉醒。 深爱中华文化的比德.李程
天才洋溢的比德.李程是虔诚的天主教徒,同时深爱中华文化,他花了不少时间和精力研究中华传统文化中的艺术、戏剧、建筑、宗教,因而启发他创作大量中国的作品,包括:声乐曲-李白诗“月下独酌”;钢琴协奏曲-龙年在中国;触技曲-中国功夫;平剧-四郎探母;管弦乐曲-净土;大型合唱曲-中国安魂曲;台湾民谣改编曲…… 大约八、九年前,比德创作了作品《华侨》,需要一位华裔女高音,朋友向比德推荐了当时正在意大利留学的声乐家张佳慧。张佳慧是一位法轮功学员。 比德.李程描述,当时他一进大厅,就莫名且深深的被这位台湾女艺术家出众的气质吸引!此后在浪漫热烈的追求过程赢得张佳慧的芳心。婚后,两人婉拒了其它国家的热情邀请,决定在台湾定居,于人文荟萃的天母开创了“台北欧洲音乐学院”,筹办各种音乐学习与欣赏课程,培养人才无数。 精英荟萃演绎《天堂的和平》 《天堂的和平》赞美诗的指挥,由有“卡拉扬接班人”美誉的以色列名指挥家明思基(Meir Minsky)接掌大任,台湾歌剧界知名女高音张佳慧、世界著名男高音马兰济(Angelo Maranzi)、男中音巫白玉玺等鼎力参与,中外知名音乐家共同演出,风云际会,菁英云集,可谓难得一见。
男中音演唱家巫白玉玺应邀参加了《天堂的和平》的演出。巫白玉玺浓厚高亢的声音特质和舞台上自然展现的强烈戏剧效果,使他在台湾成为深具魅力的演唱家。他提到参与《天堂的和平》演出的感想:“正因为这是一出非常庞大的音乐史诗,所以需要重量级与国际知名的指挥家、歌唱家,才能将作品很好的表达出来”。他认为比德.李程的乐曲澎湃动人。 以下是第三乐章的部分歌词: For Soprano and Orchestra Human heart, bound nowhere; To enjoy happiness. Human mind without attachments Wisdom oh Wisdom, Of a diamond heart! Chinese Wisdom,(Wisdom of Chinese) For all, all people of the world! Impermanence: ultimate of truth Human conduct in harmony, With Law of Heaven, Enlightened heart! Truth embodied in the heart of all your people Oh China, Highest Wisdom, Law of Heaven! You Chinese people, Everlasting Yin and Yang, The endless flow of glorious events and tragic moments, Accepted as always, In everlasting Peace! Enlightened heart! Impermanence: enduring Wisdom! Untold agony and hardships: China understood the reality of the world! Wisdom, Light and Love to All ! No attachments, free! Truthful Chinese Wisdom! Celestial Peace! 第三乐章慢板2「慈悲」 男高音、合唱与乐团歌词 To benefit all people, To serve the Universe! Font of Wisdom of China, Accept Compassion to All! Oh sons of China, we are brothers, Within the shared dome, In spite of our differences , We share parallel destiny. China, you realized glorious ideals, Of filial piety, When the country was in need! Devotion to family, Highest heroes, Oh, compassion for humanity ! Highest bravery was needed, To you, China! Benefiting all people, To serve the Universe Sons of China we are brothers, Living under the same moon! Font of that true Wisdom; How do you China, Behold Compassion for All . To benefit of all people, To share the Universe! Compassion, True Wisdom of China, For all creation! Ah Beautiful filial piety And highest dedication to bravery! Concert to Love and Charity, Joining in Harmony! Parallel to Love and Charity! Brotherhood of Love and Charity! Mystical men of sole religions of the World, Christianity! with all its Saints! Consonance of Love! With graceful Wisdom and filial piety Compassion, Compassion's Love! Oh Wisdom of Compassion: Obscure illuminated power, Sign in our daily life, Of our mysterial society! Generous Beneficence! Light of confidence, Light of Hope! To benefit of all people (sentient beings sopranos), To share the Universe, Sons of China we are brothers All living under the same Moon! Font of that true Wisdom, How do you China, behold Compassion for All . Obscure illuminated power, Sign in our daily life, Compassion, Compassion Celestial Peace! III.Adagio 3'Forbearance' Celestial Peace! New life to be shar'd , Forbearance in need! Patience, Restraint! Oh Strength, Mercy for China, Oh sacrifice, Oh suff'ring people! How China, was this possible. Divine Wisdom! 神圣的智慧 Man free of fear, Free of false visions, Living ev'ry moment Power of patience, Ever changing moments of our lives, Will grant us true Happiness! Impermanence, Restraint Highest Wisdom New transcendental life; Universal Brotherhood, New life, surpassing tears, New transcendental life Surpassing tears, Every moment, oh! In Universal Brotherhood! Celestial Peace!
在线欣赏!贝多芬第四代传人献给李洪志先生的交响诗(2)(多图) | |||
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