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【人民报消息】第四架客机没有飞到华盛顿,而是在中途坠毁。在坠毁之前,一名携自己两个月婴儿旅行的乘客 Jeremy Glick 和另一名乘客小 Thomas E. Burnett分别用手机与家人,说飞机被几个阿拉伯模样的人劫持。因有乘客听了纽约世贸中心发生的事件,他们想知道是否是属实。“我们中的一些人想要有所动作”,Burnett 告诉妻子。Glick 的岳母说,当 Glick被告知纽约世贸中心事件属实后,离开了一会儿,然后回来说,“人们已经表决要袭击那些恐怖分子”。他再次离开电话,并说还会回来。但他的岳母说,这是他们听到的最后一句话。


NEW YORK (CNN) -- Passengers on board the hijacked United AirlinesFlight93 that crashedin rural Pennsylvania Tuesday apparently decided to attack theterroristswho hadcommandeered the plane, according to family members of one passenger.

Passenger Jeremy Glick, flying with his 2-month-old child Emerson,called his wife Liz and in-laws in New York on a cell phone to say theplane had been hijacked.

All 38 passengers, and possibly the crew, had been herded to the backof the plane.

Glick said they were aware a plane had crashed into the World TradeCenter in New York and that some passengers were talking aboutretaking control of their plane.

Moments earlier, according to a partial transcript of cockpit chatterobtained by CNN Wednesday, air traffic controllers heard someoneshout, "Get out of here," through an open microphone.

The plane, which took off from Newark bound for San Francisco, wasnear Cleveland, flying at 35,000 feet.

The microphone goes off and comes back on. Scuffling is heard.Somebody again yells, "Get out of here."

The microphone goes off again, then on, and a voice in broken English-- an Arabic accent, according to a source who heard the tape -- says: 

"There is a bomb on board. This is the captain speaking. Remain in yourseat. There is a bomb on board. Stay quiet. We are meeting with theirdemands. We are returning to the airport."

The microphone goes off.

At that point, air traffic radar showed the plane abruptly turning 180degrees, heading southeast,apparently toward Washington with the possible intention of crashing itinto the White House or Capitol.

Joanne Makely, Glick's mother-in-law, told CNN Wednesday the familycalledNew York state police onanother phone while Glick was still on the line and relayed messages tothem from Glick.

Glick told police he could see three men he described as Arabs and thatthe plane was over countryside,according to Makely.

One of the hijackers "had a red box he said was a bomb, and one had aknifeof some nature," Makelysaid.

Glick was not the only person on the flight to make a phone call duringthe hijacking.

The Associated Press reported Wednesday that a 911 dispatcher received acall from an unidentifiedman who said, "We're being hijacked!"

A flight attendant called her husband and told him three otherattendantshad been stabbed by thehijackers, according to an airline employee who asked not to be named. 

Passenger Thomas E. Burnett Jr., 38, made four calls to his wife DeenainSan Ramon, California, theAP said.

"A group of us are going to do something," Burnett said at one point,hiswife told the AP. He also saidone passenger had been stabbed.

Glick and Burnett both said in their calls the people on board knew ofoneor more attacks on the WorldTrade Center, evidently from the other phone calls.

"He wanted to know if that was true," Makely said.

After Glick was told the reports were true, he left the phone for awhile,returning to say, "The menvoted to attack the terrorists," Makely said.

"He left the phone and said he would be back," Makely said. "That's thelast we heard."

Burnett's wife told the AP her husband "thought he was going to be home.He was going to solve thisproblem."

Passenger Mark Bingham, 31, called his mother to say the plane had beentaken over by three men whosaid they had a bomb, the AP reported.

Alice Hoglan said she thinks her son may have helped prevent thehijackersfrom hitting a morepopulated area.

"It gives me a great deal of comfort to know that my son may have beenableto avert the killing ofmany, many innocent people," she said.

Makely described Glick as 6-feet-2, 220 pounds, and an athlete. She didnot know how many menvoted to attack the terrorists.

Glick's father-in-law, Richard Makely, said he took the phone, hoping tohear Glick come back and saythe passengers and crew had regained control of the plane.

Instead, he said, "I heard the end of the story."\He would not say exactly what he heard, other than to say "it would nothave indicated" what ultimatelycaused the plane's nose dive into a field in Somerset County, southeastof Pittsburgh, 90 minutes afterthe first airliner hit one of the twin towers in New York.

-- CNN Correspondent Kelli Arena and Producer Jonathan Larsencontributedto this story.

文章网址: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2001/9/13/15811.html



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