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新唐人開通衛星新頻道 覆蓋中國 不鎖碼(圖)
============= 在開通這一覆蓋面大幅擴展的衛星的過程中,新唐人和一個由傳播界主導公司組成的跨國家的聯盟緊密合作。這個聯盟包括歐洲電訊衛星公司和倫敦衛星交易公司。歐洲電訊衛星公司的熱鳥6號和W5衛星提供對亞洲、歐洲和中東前所未有的覆蓋面和高強度的信號,以及極高的可靠性。新唐人選擇位於巴黎的歐洲電訊衛星公司是基於它優越的技術和服務質量,以及它所依據的歐洲憲章。 新唐人作爲全球首家由海外華人創立的獨立,非盈利的中文電視網,這次開通是其發展路上的一個里程碑。新唐人的使命(宗旨)是爲世界各地的華人社區提供準確的信息和公開的交流區。新唐人致力於豐富觀衆的生活,幫助身處海外的華人融入主流社會,同時提倡自由表達和民主的普世價值。 新唐人總裁李綜先生說:「我們對這次國際性的開通深表興奮。我們很自豪能夠對中文媒體的多元化做貢獻,同時促進通過衛星的信息和思想的自由流通。我們希望我們的節目能將傳統中國文化的精華和21世界的通訊帶給世界各地的華人社區。」新唐人電視臺創辦於 2001年,於2002年2月開始通過衛星在北美播放。此後,新唐人通過衛星,有線電視和互聯網將其每天24小時節目擴展到覆蓋亞洲,歐洲和澳大利亞。新唐人電視臺總部位於紐約,在全球有50多個記者組。新唐人在政治,經濟和文化方面客觀和及時的報道,以及它結合東西方文化精華的多方位的教育和文娛節目已經爲它贏得了國際聲譽。 更多有關新唐人電視臺的詳情可在www.ntdtv.com上查詢。 新唐人新聞發佈、媒體聯繫: ============= 新唐人更換歐洲衛星T-12和增加亞洲衛星W5的公告 爲了更好地爲歐洲和亞洲的觀衆服務,新唐人將於2004年3月31日轉由熱鳥6號(Hot Bird 6)播放歐洲的新唐人電視頻道。原播放衛星T-12的信號將於同時停止。4月2日起,W5也開始對亞洲播出無鎖碼的全天新唐人節目。新唐人的北美衛星 T5,亞洲衛星NSS6和澳洲衛星NSS6都不變。 新唐人在W5上的頻道參數如下(覆蓋中國大陸地區,不鎖碼): 位置(Position)東經70.5度(70.5 degree East) 新唐人在熱鳥6號上的頻道參數如下: 位置(Position)東經13度(13 degree East) 熱鳥衛星羣是歐洲最大的衛星羣,擁有一億觀衆。另外與T-12不同的是熱鳥是廣播衛星,信號強,接收天綫小。W5也是最新一代的衛星之一,信號強,覆蓋面好。進入熱鳥和W5衛星是新唐人爲全世界華人提供自由的無審查的信息和資訊的不懈努力中的重要一步。請及時訪問www.ntdtv.com查看新唐人這一努力的新進展。 新唐人目前的衛星羣由北美的T5,歐洲的熱鳥6號,亞洲的NSS6和W5,及澳洲的NSS6組成。 ================= New York, April 2, 2004 ── New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), the independent Chinese-language broadcaster, announced today the start of its new direct-to-homesatellite broadcasting to both Asia and Europe. NTDTV's programs are now available toaudiences in scores of countries across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East on Eutelsatsatellites Hotbird 6 and W5. In launching this greatly expanded international satellite coverage, NTDTV has workedwith a multi-national consortium of leading companies in the broadcast industryincluding Eutelsat and the London Satellite Exchange. The Eutelsat Hotbird-6 and W5satellites offer unsurpassed coverage and power over Asia, Europe and the Middle East,combined with exceptional reliability. NTDTV's choice of Eutelsat's satellites for thisbranch of its global service is based on both technical merits and on the quality andEuropean charter of the Paris-based company. This launch is a landmark in NTDTV's development as the world's first independent,non-profit, Chinese-language TV network built by overseas Chinese. NTDTV's missionis to provide accurate information and an open forum for Chinese communitieseverywhere. NTDTV seeks to enrich its viewers' lives, to assist Chinese people livingoutside China to assimilate to mainstream society, and to promote the universal values offree expression and democracy. "We are excited about our new international launch," said Zhong Lee, President of NTDTV. "We are proud to contribute to pluralism in Chinese-language media, and topromote the free flow of information and ideas via satellite. We hope our programs willbring the best in traditional Chinese culture and 21st century communications to Chinesecommunities worldwide." NTDTV was founded in 2001 and began broadcasting via satellite in North America inFebruary 2002; it has since extended its 24-hour program to cover Asia, Europe, andAustralia through satellite broadcasting, cable TV and the Internet. Headquartered in New York City, NTDTV has more than fifty reporting crews worldwide. The networkhas gained an international reputation for its objective and timely reporting of political,economic, and cultural stories in the Chinese language, and for multi-faceted educationaland entertainment programs that bring together the finest in both Eastern and Westerncultures. Further information about NTDTV can be found at its popular web site: www.ntdtv.com Notice of Replacing Europe T-12 and Adding Asia W5 To better serve European and Asian audiences, starting March 31st, 2004, NTDTV will transmit its European signal via Hotbird 6. The transmission on Telstar-12 will cease at the same time. On April 2, W5 starts broadcast free-to-air NTDTV programming to Asia. NTDTV』s North America』s T5, Asia』s NSS6 and Australia』s NSS6 remain unchanged. The satellite/transponder parameters of NTDTV channel parameters on W5 are: Position: 70.5 degree East NTDTV channel on Hotbird 6 are: Position: 13 degree East The Hotbird cluster is Europe』s most popular and well-known satellite platform. It reaches an audience of over 100 million. In contrast to T-12, it is also a Direct-to-Home broadcast satellite with stronger signal and smaller dish requirement. W5 is also one of the newest generation satellites with strong signal and good coverage. Launching on Hotbird and W5 is one important step in NTDTV』s relentless striving to provide free and uncensored information to Chinese-speaking people all over the world. Please stay tuned to www.ntdtv.com for more events to follow. Currently, NTDTV』s satellite fleet consists of: North America』s T5, Europe』s Hotbird 6, Asia』s NSS6 and W5, and Australia』s NSS6. |
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